Monday, October 13, 2014

Democracy and Poverty Reduction in Indonesia

For the last ten years Indonesia's poor have had the right and the opportunity to vote for the country's president, as well as their local leaders.  Apparently, not everyone is pleased with that development.

At first, democracy didn't appear that threatening.  The first presidential election in Indonesia was held in 2004.  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was elected president by nationwide popular vote, which had never before taken place in Indonesia.  Then, he was re-elected in 2009, when national elections were held the second time.  So far, so good.  After all, SBY was a former general and part of the political elite.

But recently, Indonesia elected Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the third nationwide election for president.  Importantly, Jokowi had himself grown up in the slums of Central Java, demonstrating that under democracy anyone could become president.  Apparently, democracy had gained momentum to such an extent that it emboldened those outside the political elite to embrace expanded aspirations of leadership. Perhaps the political elite should feel a bit threatened.

But what about the rest of the 30 million people who are not electable?  Do they have a better future under democracy?  As democratic institutions have developed, the incidence of poverty has noticeably diminished, demonstrating that the country is much better off under democracy.

Percent of Population with Income Below the National Poverty Line.

"Not so fast", say the detractors, "Let's take a look at how poverty diminished before all of these expensive, contentious elections."

Prior to democratic reforms, presidents were determined in a very streamlined fashion by the national congress, which consisted of members who were determined by regional congresses, which consisted of members who were determined by local elections.  During the 80's and 90's government employees, and especially the military, were expected and often required to vote for candidates who represented a political party called Golkar.  Under that system Golkar's presidential candidate, Suharto, remained in office for decades, establishing himself as the longest serving leader of a Southeast Asian country.

Casual inspection of Suharto's poverty alleviation accomplishments leads one to the conclusion that indeed the incidence of poverty dropped dramatically from 1976 to 1996.  These were the years of "guided democracy", during which the population who lived under the poverty line diminished from 40% to 17% (after the measurement adjustment).

From "Indonesia: Poverty Reduction Program" by Nona Iriana, Ahmad Avenzora and Jainal Abidin

Some in Indonesia would have you believe that the years of dictatorship saw more social improvement than the current years of democratic reforms.  In fact, those voices are even now trying to roll back democratic reforms by reverting to the practice of electing local leaders by those in a governing body, rather than by popular vote.  They seem to be saying, "Those of us who are the political elite know how to improve the country and we certainly don't need elections!"

While it is true that poverty diminished dramatically over the course of two decades during the Suharto era, few people have drawn attention to the toll that was taken on the government budget.  Specifically, when Suharto left office in 1998 government debt had reached $171 billion, which was nearly twice the level of Indonesia's GDP in 1998.  Yes, poverty dropped, along with the country's economic prospects.

Under the democratic reforms of the last ten years, the incidence of poverty continued a downward trend.  Notably, in 2012 government debt had reached about $200 billion, amounting to approximately  27% of Indonesia's GDP in 2012.  Yes, poverty dropped, along with the burden of debt.

So, let's connect the dots.  Democracy in Indonesia has birthed SUSTAINABLE poverty reduction, not the kind that cultivates dependency.

Do you think that those 30 million people under the poverty line should have an opportunity to vote for their leaders?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

7 Tips for the Newbie: How to Manage the Costs of Collaboration

So, you want to be a manager.  Wonderful.  It's a fine work that you desire to do.  I have some tips for you but first let me introduce you to my world.

The leader of the farmer group says he will tile the floor, but instead he puts tile on the wall.  A woman says that she will come in at 7am, but instead she arrives at 8am.  Another woman has a wedding to attend and leaves three hours early, despite making a commitment to work until 5pm.  The woman who is in charge of distributing payment to other women retains a "commission" because of her position as the leader of the women.  Another village leader refuses access to the dehydrator when the next mango season arrives, effectively taking hostage an asset that he did not purchase.

In my world, the manager must learn to deal with these sorts of matters with dignity and persuasiveness.  Think of it as just one more set of costs that must be managed carefully.  A business cannot grow without managers who have the ability to identify unnecessary costs and find ways to reduce or eliminate costs.  Costs of collaboration are no different.  They represent transaction costs and they exist when one party in a transaction is willing to abandon commitments or manipulate the other party.  Because my world is characterized by high transaction costs, business success requires acumen to recognize and manage these costs.

So, if you want to be a manager, here are seven tips that can give you a good start.

1.  Cultivate a relationship with individuals.

The more personal is the relationship, the more you will be able to manage transaction costs.  Trust reduces transaction costs since it "is critical for the viability of most transactions and for the efficiency of conducting transactions" (Rao:2003, page 92).  In environments where collaboration is costly, you must view relationship-building as part of your job description.

2.  Project elevated values.

In group settings, you should take advantage of opportunities to give short lessons on morality.  It's true that staff meetings should largely be devoted to operational matters.  However, such meetings also present opportunities for you to speak briefly about honesty, diligence, faithfulness, service, personal sacrifice, courage, etc.  Reminders of values can realign people's attitudes and motivations.

3.  Communicate standards early and often.

Reminders about standards are just as important as reminders about values.  Among people who abandon commitments, you should be prepared to make frequent references to job expectations.  For instance, delineate the Standard Operating Procedures on a wall poster during the training period.  So that it doesn't get ignored over time (which usually happens with wall posters), refer to one or two of the items on the poster each day.

4.  Keep your cool.

In fact, smile.  A lot.  Even when others are abandoning commitments or attempting to manipulate.  Regard their behavior as normal.  Because in this environment of costly collaboration, such behavior is indeed quite normal.  Don't let manipulative behavior distract you from what really matters.

5.  Identify what really matters.

Suppose you have a problem employee who consistently under performs.  (This happens all the time in my world.)  Rather than just stew in frustration, identify the particular way in which the employee's behavior is undermining business viability.  Then, illustrate how that behavioral problem threatens what really matters to both of you - ongoing collaboration that benefits both parties.  Let the employee know that, as the manager, you want to see the collaboration continue so that the business can grow and the individual can succeed (i.e. not get replaced).

6.  Identify patterns.

The problem employee who has consistently under performed has accumulated a track record.  Any single infraction is merely an example of an established pattern.  Focus on the pattern, not the instance, and the way in which it undermines what really matters.  When an example emerges, be ready to refer again to the pattern.  "It's happening again, isn't it?" may be all the comment that is needed at the time.

7.  Reiterate overarching goals that matter to the individual.

Where collaborations are costly, individuals tend to abandon commitments for a reason.  They want to pursue goals that matter to them.  As a manager who has a personal relationship with the individual, you will want to probe the employee's motivations.  Why does he want to work with you?  To put his children through school?  Buy a new cell phone?  Please his nagging wife?  His response will give you insight into his motivations.  More importantly, you can offer gentle reminders about his goals and the way in which his work with you helps him to accomplish his goals.

Although this is not a complete list, it does give you a glimpse into the world of costly collaborations.  In order to become a manager in this environment you must master yourself and master interactions with others.  Management tasks in high transaction cost environments present plenty of challenges.  But remember that those numerous challenges also represent constant prompting to refine interpersonal skills.  If you aspire to be a manager of costly collaborations, it is a fine work that you desire to do.


Rao, P.K. (2009). The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, Methods and Applications. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.  197 pp.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Costly Collaboration

Of all the economic principles and notions I have studied, the concept of transaction costs has helped me the most in my own effort to reconcile the tension between business pursuits and humanitarian goals.  Transactions between individuals and groups are not costless.  My collaborations with folks in Indonesian villages are certainly not costless.  In fact, the costs of transacting in those environments are substantial.  Why else would the average investor ignore opportunities?

Each transaction must be carefully scrutinized.  We need to consider the search costs, the information costs, the bargaining costs, the monitoring costs and the enforcement costs of every sort of collaboration.  Of course, those costs would be very small if people were always honest, transparent, forthcoming, compliant, faithful, cooperative, congenial, etc.  But because people are not that way, business pursuits will be costly.  The humanitarian response is not just to bear the costs of collaboration but to impart education and training to such an extent that transaction costs are reduced.  When the humanitarian effort is successful, business pursuits yield a favorable return, investment in the area increases, new local jobs are created and the lives of villagers improve.

Java Bite dried mangos result from painstaking efforts to educate and train village residents.  

It's business.  

But it's not business as usual.