Not wanting to look stupid, I didn't ask her to define social entrepreneurship. After all, if it's a huge topic, I should know something about it, right? Especially if it's what I do!
It turns out that I'm not the only one who needs some help to understand the term. Fortunately, some smart people have responded to requests for clarification. Here are some of their thoughts. . .
"I think social entrepreneurship is a business built around the objective of solving a social challenge." -Dina Sherif, Associate Director at John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement, American University in Cairo.
"Social entrepreneurs are addressing specific social issues and doing something about them to solve those problems and rally support for that cause through various tools." -Fadi Ghandour, Founder & CEO of Aramex.
"Social entrepreneurship is about building systems for changing local solutions to local problems. Social entrepreneurs are committed, unique and creative individuals who are obsessed with finding structural solutions to problems." -Iman Bibars, Regional Director at Ashoka Arab World.
Java Bite products exist as a solution to a social dilemma. Mango trees are being destroyed. Unemployment in rural Indonesia is high. Investment is low. Average incomes in the area range from $2 to $3 per person per day. By creating technologies, refining processes and developing markets for dried mango products, we are addressing critical issues faced by tens of thousands of people who depend on the mango industry.
I didn't know the word a year ago, but "social entrepreneurship" indeed describes what we do when we fill up a bag of Java Bite Sweet Dried Fruit. And the social impact of our business is so important to us that we refer to it on the back of our package. Visit the online store and purchase these delicious products! When you do, you will be part of the solution to social dilemmas that exist in Indonesia.
* Quotes are from "Social Entrepreneurship vs. Social Activism: What is the Difference?",